前回に引き続き今週よりジャパンツアーを控えたカナダ・モントリオールのMath Rockバンド、Gulferのベーシスト、Davidへのインタビューの後編をお送りします。今回のツアーやGulferに繋がりのあるバンドの曲も紹介します!

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0:00 eito – “perhaps”
3:20 インタビュー with David of Gulfer 後編 part1
8:07 Gulfer – “Be Father”
10:27 インタビュー with David of Gulfer 後編 part 2
16:44 A Picture of Her – “picnic-perfect”
20:05 Lifted Bells – “Three Doves”
23:17 Bethlehem Steel – “Florida 2”


(後編 part 1)

Far East Indies (FEI): Let me change the topic a little bit. I want to talk about the Japan tour that you guys are going to have.

David: We can’t wait. I think about it all day, everyday. It’s just like the only thing in my mind. Just getting excited and thinking about it. It’s really exciting for me because usually I’m the one doing all the organizing and all the planning, but this time it’s just been taken care of so well that I can just sort of focus on being excited and just enjoying myself so.. I really look forward to that. And…yeah there’re just so many things that I’m looking forward to do and see.

FEI: Awesome. About the tour, how did it happen as a process?

David: We’ve been working with Friend of Mine Records since 2013 and this would be our third CD that we released with them. Since the beginning Tsunehiro was always kind of inviting us to Japan. And we always knew we wanted to do it. But we just wanted to wait for the right timing.

Friend of mine recordsとは2013年から一緒にやってて、これで3枚目のCDのリリースなんだ。レーベルのオーナーのツネヒロは、いつも日本に来なよと言ってくれてた。そして自分たちも行きたいんだということはわかってた。でも、ベストなタイミングが来るのを待ってたんだ。

I think it was important for us to sort of build a little bit of a fan base and now we have 3 CDs there. We just wanted to wait until the right moment when we felt like – some people knew who we were and some people would come to see us instead of going immediately on our first album when we were a little bit more unknown. We always sort of had at the back of our minds that one day we would go to Japan. I think finally we just decided that now is the right time.


Especially on the momentum of our new album. Just thought it was really good timing. These days it’s very difficult to tour in America, so for us I think it was like, it’s just way more fun and we were exciting to go to Japan. And I think it’s just such a great country for math rock and instrumental music and emo, and all that kind of stuff we’re interested in so. There’s so many bands that we love that we get to see them and get to play with. There’s a lot of listeners and fans in Japan that we want to play for and meet. I think it makes a lot of sense for us to come there. Especially since it’s been so well organized, it’s just makes it the ideal tour in so many ways.


And also, it’s nice that it’s only 6 concerts. You know, we’re used to doing tours in America or in Europe where it’s like, 25, 30 concerts. It’s just very tiring, and by the end of it, it just almost becomes not fun anymore. But this year we’re trying to do very short trips and just try to enjoy them more than feeling like very tired and very stressed after one month. It’s easier after only a week or 10 days to just have more energy and more fun and to enjoy it, instead of just feeling like it’s never gonna end. There’s many more reasons, but we were very excited.


FEI: I think it’s a perfect timing. I saw some pictures from Tower Records here – your CDs are being featured.

David: So fantastic. I grew up visiting Tower Records with my dad in Los AngelesSo iconic for me. And to see our CD featured.. I’m so excited to visit it and I’m so excited to visit some of the smaller record stores like Stiff Slack. The culture for buying music and CDs and all that stuff seems just like very well appreciated in Japan. People are still paying attention to that and I think it’s really important and it’s a huge honor to be featured in such a legendary place like Tower, so I can’t wait to see it for myself because that’ll be a really nice moment.

最高だね。小さい頃ロサンゼルスいた頃父親に連れられてタワーレコードに行ったよ。僕にとっては象徴的で、そこに僕らのCDがフィーチャーされてるなんて・・・実際に見に行ってみるのが楽しみだよ。それと、Stiff Slack(名古屋にあるレーベル・CDショップ)のような小さなレコードショップにも訪れて見たいよ。音楽・CDを買うという文化が日本ではまだ定着してると思う。タワーレコードみたいな伝説的な場所でCDを飾ってもらえるなんて光栄だよ。自分でそれを見て確かめたいね。

(後編 part 2)

FEI: Have you or any of members been to Japan.

David: No. Never.

FEI: Okay so for all of you guys is the first time.

David: Yes.

FEI: Okay so that that must be pretty exciting.

David:  Very exciting and it’s been something that we’ve been talking about so many years because there’s so many bands in Japan that we love and we’ve been getting so much support from Japanese listeners, so it’s been very anticipated for three years. It’s such a different culture and there’re so many things that were excited to experience. It’s a really exciting feeling like. A lot of the time before tours, I’m often more nervous than I am excited, but this time I’m way more excited because I don’t have to stress out about all these organizational details. Usually I’m kind of like the manager of the band. This time I’m really looking forward to focusing more on just being a performer and enjoying my time there rather than worrying about all the details and all the hotels and traveling and things like that. So, I’m really looking forward to do just enjoying the visit and less having to be the manager this time, so that’ll be great.


FEI: Great. Any artists that you’re excited to play with if you name.

David: Absolutely. There’s a band called A Picture of Her, that I discovered many years ago because they’ve been releasing with Friend of Mine for many years. And that’s a band that (I) absolutely love and I still can’t believe that we get to play with them. Really excited to see Daijiro from Jyocho and Uchu Conbini. Amazing guitar player and I can’t believe he agreed to play with us. Malegoat and Pens+, Sow, Mirror. It’s gonna be great. I can’t wait to play the acoustic show with you guys. We’re really preparing a lot for that. We’ve never done anything like that before like really quiet, minimal performance, you know. Really doing a lot of work restructuring some of our songs to fit in that format so that’s been really fun, interesting challenge because in our songs are often so – You know, they require very loud guitars and there’s a big punk influence a lot of the time but this time we’re turning our amplifiers down working on some quiet arrangements, so that’s been a lot of fun, too. It’s nice to be invited to do things like that because we never got an opportunity to do that before. Yeah, there’s a lot there were looking forward to.

もちろんだよ。A Picture of herというバンドだよ。何年も前にFriend of Mine Recordからリリースされていてそれで知ったんだよ。僕はこのバンドを本当に愛していて、一緒に演奏できるってことが今だに信じられないな。Jyochoと宇宙コンビニのギタリストのだいじろーも楽しみだよ。素晴らしいギタリストで、一緒に出ることにOKしてくれたことが信じられないね。Malegoat, Pens+, Sow, Mirrorもね、いいライブになるよ。あなた達(Far East Indies司会のバンド、Echoscape)とアコースティックのライブができるのも待ちきれないよ。いっぱい準備してるんだ。僕らは普段は静かな、削ぎ落とした音のライブはしないでしょう。曲をアコースティックに適したものにするために作り替えてるんだ。楽しいし、面白いチャレンジだよ。僕らの音楽は大音量のギターが必要で、パンクの影響が強いけど、このライブではアンプを絞った静かな編曲をしてる。今までそういうことをする機会はなかったから嬉しいよ。楽しみなことがいっぱいあるね。

FEI: Most of your shows would be off course electric set, right?

David: Sure. This is the only one that will be – so 5 of our normal set and then one of this brand new set that we’re we’ve been working very hard on in the last couple of weeks to prepare.


FEI: Awesome. I actually didn’t know that you guys will be playing an acoustic set for that show.

David: Well, it’s not quite acoustic. We’ll all still be plugged in and we’ll even have drums, but it’s more of like a minimal quiet arrangements of some of our songs.

FEI:  That’s good to know actually. People coming to see you guys’ other Tokyo show should check that show out as well.

David: Exactly.

FEI: Do you guys have any time off during your stay?

David: Yeah, we have one or two days off, which is nice and hopefully we can we can do some of those things that we discussed like visiting Tower Records or there are a few other record stores that I would love to visit. So, I hope we can do some other tourist activities, but I trust Yoichi and I’m just gonna let him be our tour guide and take us wherever he thinks is best. I’m just looking forward to just observing and looking around me and letting Yoichi lead the way.


FEI: Okay well, at first I thought it was funny because your Japan tour plan was built around Tower Records.

David: Well you know I am a huge music fan and I don’t really have many other interests. I’m only interested in music. And the rest – I’ll let Yoichi decide.


FEI: Right. He’ll take care of you. Awesome. That’s fantastic. Do you have any anymore messages to Japanese fans?

David: Thank you for all of your support over the last few years, purchasing our CD. There are so many Japanese people that are interacting with us or mentioning us on Twitter. And it’s just like, so heart-warming to see anytime someone from Japan is talking about us on Twitter because often we don’t get many other people from other places talking about us on Twitter – It’s like all Japanese people, so it’s such a nice feeling to know that we have some listeners and some fans in Japan. Really really excited to meet everyone there and really excited to visit these venues and play with these bands that have been such an inspiration for us and meet our fans there. So, thank you for having us and we can’t wait to see you.

これまで数年間、応援してくれありがとう。CDを買ってくれたり、 ツイッターで日本の多くの人が僕らとやりとりしてくれたり話題にしてくれたりした。ツイッター上で日本の誰かが僕らのことを話してくれるのはとても心が温まることで、他の国・地域の人たちが僕らのことをツイッターで話してくれることはそんなになかったんだ。いつも話してくれているのは日本の人たちだった。リスナーやファンが日本にいるってことがすごく気持ちの良いことだよ。とてもとてもみんなに会えるのが楽しみで、ライブハウスを訪れて、僕らのインスピレーションでもあるバンドと演奏できることも楽しみだよ。日本に呼んでくれてありがとう。みんなに出会えることが待ちきれないよ。


Bandcamp: https://stiffslack.bandcamp.com/album/trivial-agony
CD: http://www.stiffslack.shop/shopdetail/000000000283/

Bandcamp: https://gulfer.bandcamp.com/album/dog-bless
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0AJltdSFgxM1li4ad74mIJ?si=2FXTNSQaQG24PhF1pZ3cLQ
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/gulfer/967700646
CD: http://tower.jp/artist/2198135/Gulfer

A Picture of Her
Bandcamp: https://apictureofher-me.bandcamp.com/album/c-2
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6vUn7EgNei8hY7jZSV0lsT?si=52JbFCeFSkusLH9dT3GKIw
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/a-picture-of-her/650553380
CD: http://tower.jp/artist/1363195/a-picture-of-her

Lifted Bells
Bandcamp: https://liftedbellsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/minor-tantrums-2
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7CHxSu0awSWr1VBOztMI8y?si=zHUNTqguQPu2MUhmlAfD8g
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/lifted-bells/1127953765
CD: http://tower.jp/artist/2358376/Lifted-Bells

Bethlehem Steel
Bandcamp: https://bethlehemsteel.bandcamp.com/album/party-naked-forever
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6t11VcM5RcevGJwUDzvIYW?si=URln-HHpS2me_5aXKMzY8Q
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/bethlehem-steel/663840308